Hey! My name is Casandra Lane Rosak, I go by Cassie. I am 19 years old. I live in Minooka, IL which is a fairly small town 45 minutes south of Chicago. Being from Chicago, liking baseball is impossilbe becasue there are 2 teams from just one city and people get fierce. haha. I'd tell you what football team I favor, but then I may get disowned. 😛 My favorite colors are orange and yellow. Although I tend to stray from romance movies, A walk to Remember will always be my favorite movie. Every girl deserves a Landon. I'm a huge Ted DekKer fan, but haven't had time to read lately. I love thunder storms and the smell of fire. I love Music. It is my everything. I couldn't imagine life without it. And it provides a much more emotional way for me to pour my heart out to God. I also have a passion for little kids, and if I don't end up a full time missionary, I hope to become an elementary special education teacher. I also, as everyone else on this trip, have a passion for Christ. When I saw the opportunity to be a part of this trip I knew it was something I had to do. Ask me about my chequita banana story, it's quite fun. 🙂 Oh, and I have 4 younger siblings, 2 brothers, 2 sisters, a dog, 3 cats, and 2 parents. haha.
My parents are divorced, and the kids got split in the divorce as well so we don't all live together. :/ It's hard, but we make it work. I've had a lot of challenges and road bumps throughout my life and I haven't always been close to God the way I should. A lot of times I've viewed believing and trusting in God as a favor to Him. Like, if I choose to do good things and follow God it's being helpful to him. So when I strayed from the path I never really saw it as being a bad thing, just a different life choice. Recently I've learned that I was ENTIRELY wrong. Serving God is a privledge. He is the creator of this entire world and we are lucky just to be alive, let alone be loved by the almighty. We are allowed to serve Him. And how could we not? I used to miss so much, but now I wake up and go out and see beauty in everything He has created. The sun, the rain, the intricate designs of spider webs, and bird nests, the differences in every person both physically and emotionally. There are billions of people on this planet and not one is exactly the same. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made, and for that I choose to praise God.
…Psalm 139:14…
I used to blame God for everything that went wrong in my life. Now I see how wrong I was in that. In fact, I was wrong to point blame at all. The things that went wrong, made me see how right God is, the obstacles I had to overcome, made me wiser, the things that made me feel inferior and weak, made me stronger. The path that God has led me down has turned me into the person that I always wanted to be, but I was always so blinded by and entangled in the world that I never took the time to just stop and pay attention to how God wanted to use me.
This trip is exactly what I need to serve God in my life, and also to grow closer to Him. I've never felt called to do something more than I am being called now. In all honesty, I am scared to death. But I know that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
…Philippians 4:13…
My whole life I wanted to do something that inspired people so that I would be remembered. Now I see that all I need is to inspire people so that He is remembered. If God uses me to bring just one person to Him, I will be thankful, but through this trip I know He will lead us as a team to bring hundreds to Him. I cannot wait to meet my team and to have all of these friends whom with I can grow through Christ with. In my time of need He provided. As always. Although I do still struggle on occasion, I'm done doubting. Everything that has happened has led me to here. God always has a plan, even if I can't always see it. And it isn't always about me.